Massey Ferguson 65

The Massey Ferguson 65 was in production from 1958 – 1964 before being replaced by the MF 165.

The MF 65 came off with the production line with 1 of 4 engines as standard:

A 4 cylinder, liquid cooled, 2.9 liter, Continental gasoline engine, a 4 cylinder, liquid cooled, 3.3 liter, Perkins 4A – 203 diesel engine, a 4 cylinder, liquid cooled, 3.1 liter, Perkins A4 . 192 diesel engine or a 4 cylinder, liquid cooled, 2.9 liter, Continental LP Gas engine

The Massey Ferguson 65 has a fuel tank on the gasoline models capable of holding 13.2 gallons of gasoline (or 50 liters of gasoline if you are in Europe) and a fuel tank capable of holding 17 gallons (or 64.3 liters) on the diesel models while the hydraulics system requires 8 gallons (or 30.3 liters) of hydraulic fluid.

It’s factory weight ranged between 4,185lbs (or 1898kg) and 4511lbs (or 2046kg) depending on which engine was used. The MF 65 measures 133 inches (or 337cm) in length and  has a wheelbase of 84inches (or 213cm).

The Massey Ferguson 65 was a reasonably popular tractor in the MF range during the late fifties and early sixties and is kept by many today as a collectors item, while some still use it to work their land. However getting insurance for a tractor without a roll bar can be very difficult indeed.

If you would like to review the MF 65, then please do in the section below. We would especially appreciate this if you own or have owned one in the past. Please include any modifications you have made and any attachments you have used/use. Please also mention any problems you have encountered with it and the solutions you have used to fix it.

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12 Reviews of the “Massey Ferguson 65”

  1. Teresa Martin says:

    need to know if can tell what year this 65 mf was made snm 683156

    • Vic Vaughan says:

      My 65 S/N number starts with 699___ and was made in late 1963. There is a web site about Massey Ferguson that lists S/N year to year.

      Year of Manufacture: 0

  2. tony longhurst says:

    will be a ripper tractor once i rebuild it

    Year of Manufacture: 0
    Pros: help needed can anyone tell the difference between the perkins 4a-203 &the a4-192 having trouble working out which motor is in my old girl the id plate tells me it has a a4-192 motor but i believe it has been repowered with a 4a-203 thanks tony
    Cons: nil
    Attachments: nil
    Modifications: nil

    • Fred says:

      I used this tractor on a nearly daily basis for years.

      To answer the question as to how to determine which diesel engine is in a 65, the A4.192 has injectors that are mounted vertically in the top of the head and also has a wedged shaped cast filler piece between the back if the oil pan and the bell housing. Also, the second letter of the tractor serial number will be an “N”.

      The injectors for the A4-203 direct injection engine are mounted into the head at an angle and the oil pan is one piece without the wedged shaped filler piece. The second letter of the tractor serial number will be a “D”.

      Year of Manufacture: 1960
      Pros: My 65 Diesel Special has been in the family since it was new. It was used for years to do most of the farm work and is always a very reliable tractor. It is very fuel efficient and a very handy size for many jobs.
      Cons: Being that it has the A4.192 indirect injection engine it is more difficult to start in cold weather than the newer 65’s with the A4-203 dierect injection diesels.
      Attachments: 3 bottom 14″ plow, 3-point back blade, 6′ 3-point rotary mower, 3-point sickle bar mower

  3. Gary says:

    Would like a ROPS mostly for some sun shade! Can be hard to start below 40 degrees.

    Year of Manufacture: 60
    Pros: Enough power for size. Gears down really low.
    Cons: Expensive to fix and hard to find parts.
    Attachments: Pulled disc, hay baler, Green chopper, bale retriever, blade for snow removal and cleaning out milk barn pens.

  4. Mike says:

    Disc, front end loading, ditching

    Year of Manufacture: 1958
    Pros: Good runner, sharp looking when completed and lots of compliments on the tractor ( Kept stock and painted the 1958 scheme).Flint gray and red
    Cons: To expensive to restore will not do another one. The Neutral Safety Switch rubber boot was $34.00. I bought one for Farm All it was 9.85
    Modifications: None

  5. Péter says:


    Year of Manufacture: 1960
    Pros: ” compakt traktor”
    Modifications: engine change 65 ps perkins

  6. Pete Nash says:

    Done everything with these from poughing to silaging, hedge trimming, haulage, general cultivation, pulling out timber, you name it I’ve done it.

    Year of Manufacture: 1958
    Pros: Drove a Mk I from 1961 to 1964, several MkIIs 1964-66. Excellent tractor, would pull a Ford out of the ground and plough half as much again.
    Engine was reliable, both MkI and II but the MkII was a better starter. Maintenance was easy, fuel economy was good and you could fill it from a Jerrycan without drowning the operators position unlike some competitors. Those fitted with wide rears had better traction in soft ground as you would expect. You could change gear without skinning your knuckles and a good driver could double de clutch and shift gears on the move as we had to when hauling Track Marshall bulldozers. Fast on the road for their day at 15mph. Even faster if you took the seal off the pump and twiddled it a bit. 2400rpm never seemed to hurt any of them.
    Cons: The brakes, non existent most of the time. The underslung hitch was a pig to change single handed. The high clutch pedal tended to slip off wet boots and skin your shin.

  7. Tom Schradle says:

    awesome little tough tractor. This tractor has a lot of heart and never quit on us or let us down.

    Year of Manufacture: 1959
    Pros: Best winter starting diesel in the history of farming.
    locking differential great for snow and mud.
    Great power for it’s size.
    wonderful utility tractor
    Cons: bad brakes
    expensive and rare parts
    Attachments: had a loader. removed when we got a loader on a bigger tractor

  8. Mario says:

    I enjoy working with that tractor it is very stable I enjoyed it even more when the 4 wheel drive worked.

    Year of Manufacture: 1961
    Pros: Very reliable start well, even in the New Brunswick winter,
    Cons: Power steering can be a bit hard at time.
    It use to get stuck in gear but easily fix the problem by replacing an inexpensive guide in the transmission.
    The brake use to seize, fix that by replacing the brake pad and seal.
    The rear engine seal was leaking (rope seal) a really poor design those year replaced it cure the problem and increased my pressure.
    Attachments: Added hydraulic control valve and rear hydraulic line for snow blower.
    Modifications: I don’t know if you are aware of a mod kit to transform that model of tractor into a 4×4. Before I bought that tractor in 1994 it had been modified into a 4×4 the fellow I bought it from died 3 months before and his widow did not have any info.
    The Tractor front wheel gets its power from a shaft that is hook up to a selen transfer case that is mounted over the rear PTO. When I put the lever in Ground PTO the front wheels move as I move forward. When I want to use the PTO I select PTO and the power transfer to my PTO in the rear, only problem I don’t get PTO and 4×4 at the same time.
    Please if you are aware of such mod let me know because one of the gear in the trasfer case is worn out and I would like to replaced the whole Transfercase tahnk you.

  9. Larry says:

    Was expensive to get back into usable condition, but I like the old thing.

    Year of Manufacture: 1960
    Pros: Easy to get on and off, always starts. It is my “go to tractor” for all around use on the property.

    The safety switch has been disconnected long before I got it. Also mainly because of the tires, it has a tendency to slip on the hill side and on grass.

    Cons: Power steering is always acting up. The transmission is worn and will stick in gear if you are not careful in holding down on the shift lever while shifting. The lack of independent power is sometimes a nuisance especially while post hole digging.

    The brakes really suck on hillside even after being replaced.

    Attachments: Added wet line for raising and lowering the mower-conditioner. Works well.

  10. greg says:


    Year of Manufacture: 1965

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