John Deere SX85

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The John Deere SX85 lawnmower is from a rare variety of JD lawnmowers. While practically every single John Deere mower has the engine located in front of the steering wheel and driver, the JD SX85 has it’s engine located behind the driver. This actually has some benefits to the operator. The most notable is that it allows the operator a very clear view directly in front of him as there are no obstacles other than the steering wheel.

The fact that the engine powering the John Deere SX85 from Briggs and Stratton only produces 13 hp, means that it’s not particularly big and so can be located behind the driver quite easily. The JD SX85 uses a variator drive transmission. This means that you don’t need to be constantly messing around with a gear stick to change speeds when driving forward. Instead you just need to press down on the gas pedal to speed up.

As the John Deere SX85 is not particularly big, it is substantially lighter than it’s more powerful counter parts like the John Deere 318. The JD SX85 has a very tight turning radius at just 0.36 m (14 inches) which means it’s perfect for garden that have many small spaces that are hard to reach and turn around in. As the mower deck has a cutting width of just 30 inches, this John Deere mower is suited to gardens that are about 0.5 – 2.0 acres in size. Anything bigger will be cut much more efficiently by a larger lawnmower with a bigger mower deck. Like the John Deere GX85, this lawnmower can take a 7 bushel bagger attachment at the back to collect grass clippings or it can mulch the grass to return nutrients to the soil that would otherwise be wasted.

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