John Deere JS63C

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The John Deere JS63C is a walk behind lawn mower produced by JD. The lawnmower is self propelled, meaning that it’s a lot less work to cut the grass than other push mowers from other brands. Thanks to it’s 21″ wide mowing area, the JD JS63C makes light work of small to medium sized patches. Although if you need to cut an area of grass much bigger that, any more than a half to three quarters of an acre, you may consider getting a bigger model, either a bigger walk behind lawnmower or a ride on lawn mower.

The nice thing about the John Deere JS63C is that you have 2 choices when cutting your grass. You can either use the bagger attachment to collect it all and then dump it later. Or the easier option is to just use mulcher plugin. This will prevent the grass from flying out into the bag and instead will mulch it up into much smaller and finer pieces. The only problem or drawback to using a mulcher attachment is that if the grass is very wet or long, you may stall the engine or find that you are getting clumps of grass left behind you.

The John Deere JS 63 C is a 3 speed lawnmower with a 4 stroke engine that will usually make any small mowing job easy. However if you are interested in larger ride on mowers such as the John Deere 318 or the John Deere 140, then it’s highly recommended that you check them out.

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