John Deere 7000

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The John Deere 7000 is a slightly older type of John Deere planter that was originally manufactured and produced mainly in the eighties. Thanks to it’s effectiveness, it still remains popular to this day. The JD 7000 had a variable capacity for planting, from as little as 4 rows, right up to being capable of adequately plating 16 rows at variable widths.

The John Deere 7000 was a popular model of planter back then and actually still is to this day, with many of them still been sought out and changing hands among tillage farmers. One of the main reasons for the continued popularity of the 7000 planter is the fact that as it’s a John Deere, you are still able to easily obtain spare parts for it, unlike much smaller brands of farm machinery that are sometimes a lot more difficult to deal with when it comes to getting spare parts.

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