John Deere 310

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The John Deere 310 tractor is not particularly well known by most. This is for 2 reasons; firstly it’s an old machine. It hasn’t been produced since 1967. Secondly, it didn’t have a very long production run; it only lasted 2 years from 1966 until 1967. All construction of the tractor has taken place in John Deere’s Mannheim facility which is located in Baden-Württemberg which is in Germany. The engine that powers the JD 310 tractor is a diesel that John Deere have built in house. This is a 3 cylinder model that has a total displacement of 2.5 liters. The engine uses a liquid cooling system to stop it from overheating. The engine has a total power output of 31.6 hp.

The gearbox on the John Deere 310 tractor is a fairly straightforward one. It gives the tractor a total of 10 speeds for traveling forwards and 3 for reversing. The total weight of the tractor is 2095 kg (4620 lbs). As the tractor is both so old and had such a short production run, you will rarely see it in use today. If you do, you will most likely see it with a makeshift roll bar (ROPS) attached which can’t always be guaranteed to work properly.

If you have ever used a John Deere 310 tractor, then you would be doing the tractor review community a great service by leaving a review below of your experiences with it. Make sure to include as much information on the JD 310 as possible as most people struggle to find information on it on the web. Try also to write about both the good and the bad points about this tractor so that people get a good overall understanding of what type of a machine it is and what sort of problems (if any) it is likely to develop.

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